
Nel PreTech Corporation is a contract engineering services provider specializing in 3D & CT scanning.

Industrial CT Scanning Services
3D Scanning Services
Reverse Engineering Services
CMM Inspection Services

Industrial CT Scanning Services

Industrial CT Scanning
Industrial CT scanning services from Nel PreTech allow the customer the ability to visualize the unseen. Believability in the data is always a factor in the decision-making process for engineers, quality, and manufacturing professionals alike. The newest 3D technologies provide a clear visual depiction of the data. Our data builds the confidence needed to make quick and accurate decisions. This is why we say, “Seeing Is Better Than Believing”. We are providing sight to precise measurements and material performance confirmation.

Read on to learn more about this 3D scanning, x-ray technology from Nel PreTech.
Common Uses
  • Flaw Detection
  • Failure Analysis
  • Assembly Accuracy
  • Reverse Engineering Applications
  • Metrology
Reverse engineering from X-Ray data

The Difference

Nel PreTech Corporation is the first ISO/IEC 17025 accredited lab in the U.S. for industrial CT scanning services. We operate the Metrotom 800 and 1500 computed tomography machines created by Carl Zeiss Corporation, a global leader and manufacturer of precision-measuring instruments. Beyond the scan, we offer post-scan engineering and measurement services as required.
NPC uses CT scanning technology to form 3D models that allow the user to examine the interior and exterior of the item being scanned.
We prepare expedient inspection reports compared to other CT scanning providers.
This x-ray scanning technology provides valuable insight for diverse industries including, but not limited to aerospace, automotive, electronics, and die-cast manufacturing.
NPC methods are non-destructive, accurate, and fast. We give you access to the inner details of manufactured parts without the need for disassembly.

How It Works

Industrial CT scanning projects a beam of x-rays onto a sample object in order to obtain a 3D data set. This allows for a thorough analysis of dimensions, porosity, wall thickness, assembly defects, comprehensive comparisons, and reverse engineering applications.

Information from the CT scan can be compared to the CAD model, other parts, or other data sets.


  • Improved product quality and accuracy
  • Reduced operating costs
  • Shortened development time
  • Increased production ability
  • Reduced number of product recalls
  • Free viewer with scan results
  • Web conference to discuss results
  • Plastic color and depth of feature will not affect accuracy or repeatability
  • Option for extensive porosity (voids) and wall thickness reports

3D Scanning Services

3D Scanning
3D scanning services digitally capture a physical object’s exact size and shape. There are a variety of technologies utilized to acquire X, Y, Z coordinates of a product. At Nel PreTech we can measure different object sizes, surface finishes, and shape complexities with repeatable accuracy.
NPC offers structured light 3D scanning in the form of our newly acquired ATOS Q blue light scanner. ATOS discovers discreet problematic areas that would have been undetected by traditional measurement methods.

Another powerful 3D scanning service NPC offers is industrial computed tomography or CT scanning. This X-ray scanning technology allows the user to examine interior and exterior components. With user-definable color patterns you can analyze surface variations, and cross sections give the ability to see otherwise hidden features.

Blue light inspection, 3d scanning

How It Works

A blue light scanner is an optical, non-contact technology that projects a fringe pattern across an object’s surface. Two cameras capture the displacement to calculate the 3D coordinate measurements. This 3D scanning system quickly captures millions of points per scan of a volumetric area creating an accurate and dense point cloud.

With industrial computed tomography (CT), numerous component characteristics are scanned in one run. Using Zeiss Calypso software, even the smallest defects become visible through individual sectional images and can be automatically evaluated according to various criteria. NPC can also load volume data of several components into a project, perform a trend analysis and compare the analysis with CAD data.

Blue light scanning, 3D inspection,


Today’s industrial marketplace is increasingly competitive and requires the ability to reduce costs, raise production, and increase accuracy for any business that is going to survive. For businesses that will truly thrive, the ability to lead development and get products to market faster is also critical. Advanced 3D modeling can enable this to happen, giving new life to many businesses in a wide array of industries.

Reverse Engineering Services

Reverse Engineering
Reverse engineering services, part digitization, and 3D modeling are three fundamentally linked processes. To be able to provide services in any one, you must excel at all three. If your goal is a usable CAD model or a 3D data set, Nel PreTech has the tools and expertise. We are distinguished in this industry because of our skilled team, our access to the most cutting-edge equipment and software available, our commitment to accuracy, and exceeding customer expectations. NPC has the PEOPLE, PROCESS, and PLATFORM to see the 3D CAD modeling process through from start to finish.

Reverse engineering. Part-to-CAD
3D scanned mesh

Common Uses

Re-engineering or improved functionality of your own products
Analysis of competitor parts
Obtaining base-model geometry for design purposes (This geometry can be used to create new blueprints or CAD designs similar to the original object.)
Replacement of tooling that otherwise cannot be reproduced


Part digitization, while very useful, could be limited to partial data or rough data displayed as a point cloud. While this data is useful for inspection purposes, parametric modeling provides information relevant to the original design intent of the part. This includes a solid CAD model or even blueprints.
The model can show a product with imperfections removed and/or a full feature design tree.
Models can be provided in a .stp, .iges, or native CAD format and can be manipulated within CAD software such as Solidworks, Pro-E, IDEAS, AutoCAD, and others.

Digitization / Color Mapping Process

Our part digitization process is based on the capabilities of scanning CMM’s, scanning vision systems, computed tomography (CT scanning), lasers, blue light scanners, and other tools.
This gives Nel PreTech the ability to produce highly accurate and repeatable measurements.
It’s this capability that is the cornerstone of our reverse engineering and 3D modeling services.

Color mapping allows information taken from industrial CT, structured light, or other digital scans to be compared to a nominal CAD model.
Comparisons can also be made to other existing part data sets.
You'll get the option of user-definable color patterns for easy analysis of surface variations.
CAD model created by reverse engineering

3D Modeling

The goal of digitization and reverse engineering services is to provide the customer with a usable 3D model.
The 3D model can be an exact replica of any given physical part or a parametric model with imperfections such as warp, flash, and sinks removed.
Point cloud data, when observed with highly specialized software, can be used to create rapid NURBS surface wraps. The end result is a 3D model usable for observation, preservation, or improvement.
3D scans used to create a parametric model can be ideal for complex parts or parts that need to be recreated in traditional CAD software for the purpose of producing a base-model design.

CMM Inspection Services

CMM Inspection
Manufacturing relies on the ability to obtain accurate measurements. One powerful technology for collecting consistent and thorough data is the coordinate measuring machine which provides the user with three-dimensional measurements of a given object. Those measurements are used to replicate and improve the existing object, whether it’s a small component or a piece of machinery as large as a vehicle.
CMM inspection services, cmm programming, PCDMIS, metrology

How It Works

The CMM uses an attached probe to take measurements along the three X, Y and Z axes.
Those recorded coordinates give a better understanding of the geometrical features.
Coordinates can be used to virtually replicate the entire object based on its geometrical characteristics.
The ability to obtain this type of data is invaluable for manufacturers and engineers, as it does not require the same level of invasive examination that is typically required in 2D layout projects. We use only the best available equipment, the best possible environment, and rely on the expertise of a well-trained staff.

Large Scale CMM Inspection Services

Nel PreTech CMM inspection services are not limited to small objects. In fact, we operate CMM's capable of taking large-scale measurements for a comprehensive look at objects, heavy machinery, and equipment. Our CMM inspection services help customers map out and get a full picture of large objects by using equipment built specifically for large-scale metrology. Overcoming size and weight challenges for successful first article inspections is a capability NPC takes great pride in.

Maintaining accurate and repeatable dimensions on large scale parts is essential to maintaining quality in industries such as aerospace, marine, automotive, manufacturing, and construction. Inspection processes for these parts can be time consuming and difficult due to size, unusual shape, or weight. NPC is fully equipped to tackle these types of challenges.
CMM probe, inspection services, part analysis, dimensional inspection

The Difference

Our CMM inspection services are carried out in the best possible environment to ensure both speed and accuracy.
NPC's comprehensive inspections help customers ensure that products are up to specific standards.
We generate a thorough inspection report which includes deviation analysis as a means for comparison to CAD data.
Our inspection services include dimensional inspections for first articles as well as useful statistical evaluations and analysis of the data itself.

Get More Out Of Your CT Scanning

Download the ultimate CT Scanning Buyer's Guide to improve understanding, time, and efficiency in your scanning needs. Over 50 Pages of useful data and case studies.

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