
3 P's


Our people are dedicated professionals with engineering, mathematics, physics, and technical sciences experience and advanced educations.They stand out from the crowd with unique experience and talent.

  • Industrial CT specialists who are physicists & understand the science behind x-rays, material types, and densities
  • Designers who are metrologists & understand 3D scanning & uncertainties involved in data capture
  • Mechanical engineers who understand the way your part works, how it was designed, the forces applied to it, & how it fits within the context of an assembly or gage
  • Highly skilled CMM programmers


A purposeful and accredited approach combined with unique controls are applied to each exercise.

  • Hiring and training fosters an atmosphere of innovation and creativity
  • Accreditation to develop a quality system registered to ISO 17025:2017
  • Determined, defined, and published measurement uncertainty
  • Inter-laboratory comparisons used to bolster our rigorous standards
  • Trustworthy deliverables with our meticulous measurement, detailed reporting, and visual presentations


Performance driven technologies provide our customers the very best in metrology and related measurement services.

  • Partnership with leading measurement software companies to test & evaluate cutting-edge products
  • Zeiss Metrotom CT scanner equipment with dynamic Computer Aided Accuracy to enhance repeatability
  • ATOS Q blue light scanner with millions of points per scan and Triple Scan technology to accelerate measuring time
  • A state-of-the-art, environmentally controlled lab for highly accurate, unaffected results


Get More Out Of Your CT Scanning

Download the ultimate CT Scanning Buyer's Guide to improve understanding, time, and efficiency in your scanning needs. Over 50 Pages of useful data and case studies.

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